Ubisoft offers its game Watch Dogs 2 free experience on home platforms
Ubisoft announced through the official blog they will let Watch Dogs 2 to the owners of household platforms PS4, Xb1 experience free for three hours, including all phases of the game, including the process of collective play and the story in all languages.
Include a free trial period full access to all game features, including multiplayer smooth open, or you can be leaking directly to the tasks where DedSec and Marcus Holloway or to roam freely in the San Francisco Bay or penetrate the restricted areas, you have three hours, do what you where she likes free in the world of open game.
If you are from users of PS4, the trial period is available from yesterday, you can download the game now complete (25 GB) and you can immediately start the first task you what that is loaded first 12 GB, but if you are a Xbox One users, you have to wait until January 24 next should be. Your progress will be transferred to the full version of the game immediately after the purchase,
As for the players PC, this free trial is available to them, but maybe some players PC do not need to like the short-term these experiments, where was hacked Watch Dogs 2 today and get rid of their own protection Denuvo system by a team CPY.
Why do you think has not been made available free trial period for PC players also like the players home platforms? Tell us what you think in the comments